Thursday, April 2, 2009

So about these smoothies..

All you need to do is use FROZEN FRUIT.  WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT?

it's like..

healthy and delicious.  Frozen Fruit.  And soy yogurt.  And orange juice.  Blend. Drink. 

And if you don't listen to Peter & the wolf, don't panic.  Just do the following.  RIGHT NOW;
1. type into your web browser of choice.
2. search for "peter and the wolf the fall"
3. play song entitled, "the fall".
4. analyze.

"Who were you before the fall 
I was a singer I saw the future
laid out in dominoes 
Now I hunt the buffalos
and my darling
who are you
behind the counter with the day memorized
and those cold vacant eyes
well you swore you were free
you swore you could see him coming
it was
old angel midnight
he's staring you down
he's stealing the water right
out of the ground
and the news maybe true
but the facts were never found
and the market is dead and the phone-lines are down
but it ties us together
my kind of town"

ok actually. you're still my dawg. do people say dawg anymore? It feels awful to say it.

Ok, actually, now I feel bad.  I shouldn't be judging people so harshly for trying to fit in.  Or how they dress.   I mean, what does it matter if people are trying to achieve comfort in their daily lives through clothing.  The same clothing.  As every one of their peers.

Or maybe their not even doing that.

Maybe they all really did hit the same sale and since I don't shop at the lame store I missed out.  

Maybe I'm just the douche who can't suck it up and hang up his flannel.

Who knows, all I know is that I think that insincerity is the worst trait anyone could ever have.

On a lighter note,

I learned how to make smoothies that taste like drops of jupiter.  

There is a light that never goes out..

It's silly how people aren't really even in touch with their feelings.  I went to a summer camp where it was like.  A fucking love-fest.  Sharing feelings, having feelings, feeling feelings.  And I'm in college (still)(it's cool, i like it)(sort of), and people are so scared.  Of deviating.  Or seeming different, or not fitting in.  Even the different people are trying to fit in with the different people. Its a shit-show.  It's like middle school.  Or even school.  I'm just kidding, I don't know what dental school is like.  I'd imagine they all wear the same lab coats though, and maybe one person forgets  theirs all the time and wears the like--lost and found lab coat which is slightly off color.  It's actually weird how I would want that off- color lab-coat.  Maybe it's self-righteousness.  I'm not trying to have the same lab coat, dammit.  People who go to my university....look like they all hit the same sale at the fucking mall.  Except the ironic part is..that their clothing is probably pretty expensive.  I'm not sure how this rant about fashion..or lack of true style..ties in with my opener about people not being in touch with their feelings.  Maybe what I meant was that people don't know where the sales is at.  Cause I look good.  

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I only get the right impressions

I think:
It's really funny when environmentalist groups on campus hand me pieces of paper.  It's like.  Oh yeah?  Well, I'm in the Jewish Ping Pong Club, have a paddle made of bacon.  Anyway.  The weather is like a crayon in the box that you only use for really specific things or else it sucks.  Like the color that looks just like Caucasian skin.  "Cracka", I think it was called.  It's good if your trying to only be sort of satisfied.  That is, unless you want to sit around watching movies, or listening to sad folk music.  Like Peter & the Wolf.  Thats what I've been doing, and it's great.  

It's grey.  It's bipolar.  It needs a hot pink shirt from 1983 and some lithium.  Maybe it needs self-esteem.  Cheer up, weather.  Have a flier.  About how to save you.  Listen to old iron and wine songs with me.  Love me.